A work in progress

Aren’t we all works in progress? I certainly feel that way and as I continue on that path of progress I am choosing to really focus on a few things instead of the many things I was attempting.

I am still writing and want to focus on that.

To tide you over until I start to post more I thought I would link to some of my favorite posts that I have written and published on this page previously.

Watch this space for further updates.

Thank you for your support!

A Selby Sweetie conclusion

Selby with her “calming” pillow.
Grandma put a bow on her for Thanksgiving and darn if she isn’t the cutest!

8 thoughts on “A work in progress

  1. I started this comment before, but it disappeared. Thanks for sharing all these links and the photos of Shelby. It helps me to feel like I know more about you. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!Lynne

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  2. Laura, I’m glad to hear you’re continuing on your memoir. It’s probably a good idea to focus on fewer things–my, you are a creative Jack-of-all-trades! BTW- I love the Sherlock Shelby story–adorable. Happy Holidays!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karen. I realized… and there’s probably an essay in this… that after the coma my brain was “rebooted” like a glitchy computer and the creative part of my brain that had been suppressed by chronic pain came alive gulping for air!


  3. Laura, I have been re-reading some of your writings over the past years and months and am so proud of what you have written. You are so smart and can articulate your feelings so well. I really enjoy reading everything you write. Just wanted you to know that. Thank you for your writings. Hope you have a good day. JoAnne

    Liked by 1 person

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