A Yearly Google Search on My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. I am writing about it because I feel like those like me who have aspirations to publish their writing probably have a similar thought process on their birthday. As the blog title suggests, each year on my birthday I enter a similar question into the Google search engine: “What ages have authors published their first works?” Each year that I’m unpublished the age ticks up in that overall Google query.

Yesterday I turned 43. I have never really been someone who was hung up on their age to the point of being ashamed of it and hiding it. Also, after surviving a near-fatal car accident, severe TBI, and coma, I find each birthday something I and my family like to CELEBRATE! So, therefore, you know how old I am…

I have decided to dedicate this birthday blog to my annual Google question and its results: “What ages have authors published their first works?”

An image I created in Canva.

Here are some of my findings from my annual Google search. Do you have something you search/Google regularly?

  • Infographic- Authors First Book By Age: This infographic and article lists ages that authors first published. Since I am 43 this year I looked there first and Bram Stoker and Henry Miller were first published at 43 (and not their most famous works… those were to come).
From: https://bookstr.com/article/infographic-authors-first-book-by-age/
Credit to: https://booksonthewall.com/blog/ages-101-famous-writers-first-publication/

Now that I am aiming to have my memoir be the first thing that I publish and all these lists focus on novels… I can only hope (and assume) that the average age of memoirists first publishing is older than novelists. Because in the world of memoir age and lived experience is more highly regarded than being a young Wunderkind!

Here’s hoping that next year’s annual Google search has a more hopeful tone to it because I will be (hopefully) done with my memoir!

Daily Doodle

I have been getting behind on my Doodles because I have been creating cards (a hobby I have started in the past few years that I love). However, I wanted to get as caught up as I could for my birthday.

I love little indignant Selby in a baseball cap!
We have been relying on our older vehicle that doesn’t have working air conditioning and it’s been quite hot! This is my Mom with rosy cheeks in a hot car!
Despite the heat, Selby gets cold after her haircut (in the air conditioned house).

A Selby Sweetie Conclusion

After a day left behind a few times Selby was enjoying family time and chewing a bone!

4 thoughts on “A Yearly Google Search on My Birthday

    1. I know, I wasn’t super pleased with the variety on these infographics (especially the one that stopped at 41)!! Like I said, I think these infographics focus on fiction and I am pretty certain nonfiction and memoir ages would be much higher (lived experience and all)!

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